100 Michelli Street | Barnesville, OH 43713

Alicia is the Name, Activities are her Game!

January 31, 2023
In honor of National Activities Professional's Week, Emerald Pointe is celebrating someone very special on our team, Alicia Jefferis! Alicia is a true staple to our Activities Department and is coming up on her eighth hire date anniversary. We wanted to take this opportunity to highlight Alicia and showcase how awesome she is.

Over the years, Alicia has worked in other departments but found her true calling when she stepped into the Activity Director role. Thanks to Alicia and her team of activity professionals, our residents get the opportunity to make new friends, stay active and engage in much more than just Bingo. Our activity programs are resident-centered, meeting individualized needs, keeping residents constantly engaged, and, most importantly, helping to improve their overall quality of life.

From coffee and music in the mornings to daily Bingo and movies in the afternoon, our Activity Department provides activities for all of our residents to participate in and enjoy, no matter their circumstances and level of function.

Thank you to Alicia and her team for the care and compassion they show our residents every day. Activity professionals truly make all the difference! Happy Activities Professional's Week!

Our Activity Department is always coming up with fun and creative ways to engage our residents. Be sure to like us on Facebook to see more of our daily activities and be the first to know about upcoming events.

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News & Events

Join us on October 29th!

Therapy Success Story: Tony's Journey to Recovery
Read about Tony's transformative journey with us!

Lunch N' Learn
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Happy National Activities Professional Week!
Take a minute to learn about our Activity Team and the impact they have on our residents!

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Community Bingo!
Come play Bingo at our sister facility, Park Health!

Welcoming Our New Administrator, Kyle Wojtasek!
Introducing the newest addition to our Emerald team!

Get Involved!
Become a Volunteer at Emerald Pointe!

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